作者:管理员    发布于:2017-04-14 15:15:14    文字:【】【】【
Shengyang battery security with deep discharge has incomparable performance, in the petroleum, metallurgy and new energy systems use more, so the battery and Shengyang what are the common performance?
Xiaobian for friends say, first is the battery charge and discharge in Shengyang conditions, can be obtained from the battery internal power, also is the time integral of current, it will directly affect the maximum operating current sacredsun batteries and working time. The second is to put in with electric discharge characteristics Yin, refers to Shengyang battery in discharge system under the certain working voltage it is relatively stable, but the level of voltage will affect the current performance. Finally is the operating temperature range of electrical work environment and conditions of use will have a certain impact on the sun battery, battery with good the performance in a specific temperature range. The last screw lift agency said that if the Shengyang battery internal pressure to reach balance, will burst the ball.

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