作者:管理员    发布于:2017-04-10 15:05:31    文字:【】【】【
The engine is difficult to start when the battery is seven reasons
All the engine normally, start the machine or sacredsun battery failure will make the engine difficult to start, even can't start. In this case, we must first understand the use of the starter and the battery, in order to roughly determine the fault location. If the battery has been used for more than 1 years, we should focus on the inspection of its technical status; if the battery is used for a short time, and the captain did not overhaul the start time, it should be checked from the start machine. Then according to the start of the failure phenomenon analysis and processing:
1, start only to hear the starter electromagnetic switch "cluck cluck sound", or the first start of the engine to drive the crankshaft to slow down a few times, and then start the electromagnetic switch "cluck cluck" sound, but the crankshaft does not rotate. This phenomenon generally belongs to the battery off grid fault.
2, temporary parking can start every time, but the parking time is longer or second days to start the crankshaft can only turn. This phenomenon belongs to the battery self discharge serious, its plate, separator serious aging, indicating that the battery is nearing retirement.
3, start the machine suddenly turn weak, and accompanied by burning rubber smell or the battery at the smoke, more than is a pole, pole clip bad contact and heat loss.
4, if the start drive gear and the engine flywheel ring gear clashing idling, for two reasons: one is the engagement of the flywheel ring gear cut surface deformation; two is the clearance gear and flywheel gear starter drive is too large. Unable to engage, the engine will not start.
5, the power supply is connected to the main switch, the starter drive gear meshing with the flywheel gear ring. This kind of failure, is a starter electromagnetic switch coil connected to the power supply fault on the terminal; two is the 3 wire key switch on the wrong judgment method is the key in the "0" position when the starter drive gear does not turn, in the "2" position to start the motor driven gear rotates mesh with the ring gear.
6, start switch to start position engine can not start, no other phenomenon. This kind of fault, one is the key, the switch is not connected to the starting circuit because of wear and tear; the two is that the starter relay is not connected with the electromagnetic switch circuit of the starting machine; the three is that the power switch is not connected with the main circuit.
7, only a slight click on the start, no response, which is caused by the start of the relay card. At this time, as long as the tail end of the electromagnet, forcing the electromagnet forward, the starting circuit can be switched on, so that the engine start.
The above is Shengyang battery Xiaobian summary of the content, if necessary, can contact us in time!

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