作者:管理员    发布于:2017-04-07 14:50:00    文字:【】【】【
If the battery shell sacredsun dust, dirt, electrolyte, application of dry cloth to dry the dirty material, prevent the conductive phenomenon, internal battery power consumption. Wiring should always keep clean, should be at the junction of anti-corrosion material; battery safety valve to keep smooth and clean, prevent dirt into the battery. To prevent short circuit to prevent damage to the battery. Disassemble the battery, to avoid the conductive tool object is placed in the battery, to prevent short-circuit; do not complete lines, don't put the wire head carelessly ride, to avoid short circuit; in a timely manner with insulating rubber wrapped on broken wire. When the battery discharge is insufficient, should be promptly put on the battery with sufficient power supply for power supply equipment. Can not be enough power and low power battery in series with the use of electricity, foot and low power battery series, low power battery will bring influence to the foot of battery power, but also not conducive to the operation of power supply battery sacredsun.

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